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Date Range Inc.
Li Qilong
This Domain is For Sale, QQ 9833636 . WangGuai Inc.
Beijing, Beijing, 100077
Ishan Shukla, is an Indian animation filmmaker. After dropping out of BITS Pilani, India, he later graduated from 3D Sense Media School, Singapore in 2008. He spearheaded projects ranging from TV commercials to TV series at Singapore. Visit his studio website to know more about his upcoming work. His animation shorts and artworks have won dozens of awards and have been featured and screened all over the world.
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Ishan Industries is proud to introduce itself as a renowned Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of a wide range of products. We manufacture, export, and supply a wide range of Wall C. We offer a wide range of Awards Plaques . Our client can avail from us optimum qual.
Ishan Technologies Blog Graphic Design Firm Web Design Company. Looking for Animators, 3D Character Animator, 3D Modeler, 3D Texturing Artist, 3D Game Designer, FX Artist in Chennai, India. We also encourage animation companies in or around chennai to contact us if they are interested in partenership program with us.